JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2) Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l

Артикул: 6044600 Brand:

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  • JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)
Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l store AquaDeco Shop Самовывоз с пунктов выдачи

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  • JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)
Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l delivery car AquaDeco Shop Доставка курьером по Киеву

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  • JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)
Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l icon delivery nova AquaDeco Shop Доставка "Новая Почта"

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  • JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)
Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l warranty AquaDeco Shop Прямая гарантия от производителя
  • JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)
Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l return AquaDeco Shop Оплата картами, на расчетный счет

JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)
Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l

Temperature control
There are two important factors which affect the water temperature in the aquarium: firstly the room temperature and secondly direct sunlight. If the room temperature in summer increases significantly, it is important to check the temperature in the aquarium regularly. It needs to be 24-26 °C. Temperatures above 30 °C are a problem and can cause substantial damage to fish and plants. Furthermore aquariums should never be exposed to direct sunlight. The higher the temperature, the lower the oxygen content.

Easy to install
The bracket of the cooling fan is placed onto the aquarium rim (up to max. 2.4 cm thickness) and fixed with clamp screws.

Cools by evaporation
The JBL xCoolers for freshwater and marine aquariums cool between 2-4 °C with the help of cross-flow fans. Due to the air flow the warm water evaporates at the water surface and thus generates evaporative cooling. This is comparable to evaporation cooling a wet body part exposed to the wind.

The water cooler has a safety cover grid and is operated with an extra-low voltage of 12 V.

Диапазон в литрах: 0 l
Диапазон от — до: 80-200l
Диапазон в днях: 0 d
Диапазон длины аквариума: 60-100 cm
Мощность в Вт: 3 W
Производительность в час: l/h
Производительность в день: 0 l/d
Высота: 60 mm
Длина: 180 mm
Ширина: 60 mm
Диаметр: 60 mm
Напряжение: 230 V
T8 26 мм [Вт]: 0 W
T5 16 мм [Вт]: 0 W
На объем:
Объём ёмкости фильтра: 0 l
Объём фильтрующих материалов: 0 l
Соединители шланга выхода:
Соединители шланга входа:
высота водяного столба: 0

Характеристики JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2)

Арт. №: = 6044600
Код EAN: = 4014162604460
Длина: = 180 мм
На литры: = 60-200
Объём упаковки: = 1.95 l
Вес брутто: = 453.2 g
Вес нетто: = 340 g
Весовой коэффициент: = 0
Размер (д/в/ш): = 130/75/200

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Купить JBL PROTEMP Cooler x200 (gen 2) Cooling fan for freshwater and marine aquariums from 60-200 l в Киеве, Днепре, Одессе, Запорожье с доставкой по всей Украине.

Штрихкод: 4014162604460

Код продукта: 6044600




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